"Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice!

Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

--Barry Goldwater

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today is Never "Just Another Day"

Today I sit in my office chair. Not much comfort in this world I share. I desire to hear the market news for that is my job, to consult not spew. I am not a brother. A friend to mankind. There are those who will take and leave me behind. They will seek plaudits and passions and glory and such. The modern day Robin Hood will lead with a clutch. Of your throat will he grab, his left hand to stab...while his right will placate the complacent's ambivolent drab. Enough of this daily dribble and rote. I think it time for me to cast my own vote..

Yes Glenn, there were 56. I perhaps am obviously disqualified from being a a Re Founder, for I have both a Physical Disability and Mental Disorder. Yet no one loves like you love and I doubt anyone loves you more than I. Not your views Glenn. Not your political stance. It is your passion. I spent more than 13 years after my dismissal from the Bank in the labyrinth of nothingness. I was as James Taylor would sing "Down in the Hole." There was no light shining around me and no light shining within.

Sure I thought of Suicide, and often I might add. For I was in a place where I was simply existing. No purpose...No direction. As a lyric in a song which was sang by Larry Gatlin, "Just existing made dying seem easy". Well it did...It simply did. I had lost my wealth and power and I was reduced to a shell of my former self.

I began to read. I read of men who were for most of their life obscure human waste. Not that they were in fact such. Yet, they must have felt in their heart that they had simply lived and died and only recognized for those two events not of their choosing.

I decided to start in the beginning. Oh, I had studied English Literature and American Literature at NC State, yet I needed meat. I had absolutely nothing at the time. I was living with my parents, no transportation, no companionship, no life.

I applied for Social Security Disability Income on two occasions, yet with all of the voluminous substantive evidence from Duke University and The State of North Carolina I could not get any assistance. My Aunt informed me that I simply needed an Attorney (Connect the Dots...) and low and behold I suddenly became eligible. It was never the Mental Illness, it was the "Culture of Corruption." (Thank you Ms. Malkin)

Thus began my $800.00 per month which was less than 20% of what I made at Central Carolina Bank in Durham, NC. I am sure the readers remember Durham, North Carolina. That is quite comforting knowing that our Governmental Beaucratic idiots can send checks to prisoners.

How much "Common Sense" would it take to understand that a Health Care Plan administered by the Government would fall flat on it's face? How much empirical evidence would it take to understand that this administration would be no more efficient than the previous ones? In my heart, I know full well that I am not a racist with respect to Black and White. Radical Islamic Extremist...yes.

However, in my heart I honestly believe that I have seen the handwriting on the wall. I sincerely believe that what we are witnessing before our very eyes is 'Backdoor Reparations". As the Messiah perfects his teleprompter oratory, he fully understands that his communication is far more influenced by his non-verbal demeanor than anything he might say. The phrase "Brothers and Sisters" is designed to stick it to the man.

Enough of his verbal vacancy, let's move on to something worthwhile. I am a fair man. Were I to see an White Man engage in a conflict with a Black Man and the situation was unprovoked, I would not hesitate to do everything in my power to assist the Black Man and being acutely manic to start with, it was not take much.

Thomas Jefferson was the Third President of The United States. Yes I could give you countless number of quotes from him as a Founding Father. Yet, I am obligated to be honest in my assessment of him as a person. President Jefferson made one of his most famous quotes when speaking of an empirical observation that he had made. He stated this in 1778. "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Everything moved at a slow pace during Jefferson's time was slow. They even had time to write coherent sentences. Yet the adminstration is moving at Warp Speed towards the accomplishment of that yet unstated goal.

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